All posts by Sarah


It’s a full-on blizzard today, and I couldn’t be happier. We were supposed to be moving into our new house but delayed it yesterday due to the impending storm. Last night, I was incredibly skeptical that we’d actually get any significant snowfall; I have more memories of the weather powers-that-be predicting storms that produced a paltry inch or two than memories of massive snowfalls. But this has been a true winter event: the airport is closed, interstates are closed, buses have shut down, and the world has slowed.

It occurred to me today that there’s probably a little part of me that still wishes I was Laura Ingalls Wilder, toughing it out on the prairie. I love the winter, but I know there are a lot of people here who truly hate the weather, snow in particular. I’ve had many raised eyebrows when making small talk and someone says, “Oh, I bet you miss that California weather!” and I say, “Not really. I missed the winter.” There are also plenty of people who think I’m going to get sick of it really fast, that I’m thinking back on my winter memories with rosy-colored snow goggles. And that may be true.

But here’s what I know is true right at this moment: I feel so alive. Call it cheesy, call it granola, call it whatever you like; I could not get this feeling in California, no matter how hard I tried. Snow demands attention, and when it comes down to it, I kind of love that it’s not easy to live with.

Today we had the idea of trekking the six blocks to our new house in order to shovel the walks in time for the movers tomorrow. We all suited up, but after only half a block, Griffin was not too happy (even though he was hitching a ride in the carrier). I volunteered to head over to the house by myself, and Andrew headed back to the apartment with Griffin. Most of the walks were not shoveled, and the streets had not been plowed, so it was just me, marching through snow, sometimes in drifts up to my hips. I arrived at the house and shoveled. Yes, it was hard work, and yes, it would probably stink if I had to do it every day, and yes, I had a great time. Maybe it was being alone for over two hours, maybe it was the familiar scrape and feel of the shovel, maybe it was the satisfaction of doing something start to finish without being interrupted, maybe it was the quiet stillness that comes with snow. All I know is that there is no place I’d rather be right now, and I’m loving every minute of being back here, smack dab in the middle of winter.

Impromptu Project

Being the full-time parent of a toddler has its ups and downs. Lately, it’s been a battle of the wills for me and Griffin. I usually win, but my sense of humor flies out the window as a result (so is it really winning?). I’ve learned that patience is generally a prerequisite to maintaining my sense of humor, and the Battle of the Wills drains my fairly large supply of patience rapidly. Take, for instance, yesterday in the late afternoon: after a day filled with temper tantrums and plans gone slightly awry, I logically knew it was funny when Griffin pulled my pants down and gave me a raspberry on the butt while I was bending over to wipe up the juice he deliberately spilled on the floor. But in the moment, all I could think was “Andrew, please come home soon, or so help me, I am going to throw this kid through the window.”  Toddler parenting seems to be the ultimate test of whether you can go with the flow. I find my most successful days are ones where I’m not married to my ideas of what should or shouldn’t happen and I pay close attention to Griffin’s hunger, energy, and mood; my least successful are when I have a rigid agenda despite Griffin’s mood or think Griffin is going to love doing x. y, or z, but instead has absolutely no interest what-so-ever.

So this morning was a success as the stars aligned to allow for an impromptu project with my kiddo. After Andrew left for work, I noticed that the back door in our kitchen has a good one-to-two inch gap with the floor and is a huge heat-loss problem. I decided it was time to make a draft snake! I had several old sweaters just waiting for projects, as well as a buckwheat-filled bed pillow that proved to be not as comfortable as I was hoping, so I had the supplies. Griffin was fascinated watching the rotary cutter (from afar, of course), and under careful supervision, he actually really enjoyed sticking pins into the sweater material while I pinned the seams. He became my helper at the sewing machine, putting the pins back in the box as I pulled them out. The best part of the whole project was making him in charge of filling the snake with buckwheat hulls. I let go of any anxiety with making a mess (that’s what vacuum cleaners are for, right?), and just let him have fun. The end result was practical (no more leaky door!) and fun for both of us. And now every time he walks by the door, Griffin says, “sssssss!” and gives the snake a hug.

Project ground zero.
Buckwheat hulls are also good for playing with!
Griffin says, "sssssss!"
No more cold, leaky door!

Sculpture Garden

The weather here has been unseasonably warm, so Griffin and I have been trying to spend as much time outside as possible. I don’t anticipate we’ll hunker down and never go outside again once it starts getting colder, but when it’s cold, you don’t always have the luxury of being leisurely. Today, I thought there was no better place to luxuriate in leisure than the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, located next to the Walker Art Center in downtown Minneapolis. It’s only about a ten or fifteen minute drive from our place in St. Paul, and to my knowledge, Griffin had never been exposed to gigantic pieces of art, so I was curious to see what he would think.

Of course, he loved it. I’ll have to wait until he can talk so that he can give me his critiques of the pieces, but judging by his giddiness and excitement, I think it’s going to be a favorite destination. And it’s a good thing we went when we did. As soon as we hopped in the car to go home, a storm swept in and dropped the temperature by about thirty degrees!

"Shhhhhh!" (Translated to "fish!")
Griffin stands in front of the Spoonbridge and Cherry. Even though he excitedly said, "poooon!," he was a little wary of approaching without holding my hand!
Catch me, Mama!

Playing Catch-Up

Our lives have been full lately, which is why we’re averaging only about one blog post a month! Things certainly have been going on, but we just haven’t been writing or putting up the pictures. Today I did a little catch up on the photo site and put together some photos from various things that have been happening this fall (even though it seems like we forget the camera more often than we remember it!). Some were big, some were little. But all point to the fact that we’re settling into our new lives here in Minnesota.

Click on any photo to take you to the full gallery.




Liz and Kevin Visit

Our friends Liz and Kevin visited us from St. Louis this past weekend. We actually know them from Oakland, but they’ve been living in St. Louis for a few years now and we’re all excited to be living in the same time zone! They came to see us, but also to run the beautiful Nerstrand Big Woods Half Marathon located about an hour south of the Twin Cities. The weather could not have been more beautiful, and we were thankful to them for giving us the excuse to discover a new part of the state. When they weren’t running 13.1 miles, we hung out, laughed, walked around St. Paul, and ate great food. Kevin brought his amazing camera and Griffin ended up the star of the show. From the pictures, you’d think all we did was sit around and admire the one-and-a-half year old! While there was definitely plenty of that, we really just had a wonderful weekend of being with great friends. Thanks again to Kevin for the fantabulous pictures (and you can click on the image to take you to the whole album)!

Griffin and Sarah wait while Liz and Kevin finish their run.
Griffin plays with his croc-enspiel.
Liz and Andrew walking through St. Paul on a beautiful day.

Minnesota State Fair

We headed to the great Minnesota get-together, otherwise known as the State Fair, on Sunday! Getting there bright and early at 9am was the way to go as we beat the massive crowds by a few hours and eased into our day of looking at and eating all that Minnesota has to offer.  We certainly saw a lot. Some highlights included the Princess Kay of the Milky Way butter sculptures, the birthing barn, seed art, and of course, the food. Foods tried: mini-donuts, deep-fried cheese curds, pronto pup, Twisted Sister, chocolate malt, jalapeno poppers, salted nut roll, Haralson apple, minty lemonade, chicken gyro, and shrimp on a stick. You know, your typical Weight Watchers day. Griffin was a total champ (he even napped in the stroller) and made our trip all-the-more enjoyable. We’re definitely looking forward to next year!

I love the chickens with the hairdos!
THE Princess Kay of the Milky Way (in butter)!
HOT cheese curd! HOT!

Rookie Mistake

This is what happens when you leave your lipstick on the bedside table where certain toddlers can reach it. Thankfully, I got to him before he started coloring on the bed! I’m going to have to tell Andrew to be a little more careful next time…

Doesn't he look lovely?


Andrew and I felt like true jet-setters this past weekend as we flew down to Scottsdale, Arizona for a friend’s wedding at the Four Seasons Resort. Griffin stayed with Grandma Pam and Grandpa Jeff Friday night through Monday morning. While we knew it would be a fast trip, we were hoping it would feel like a mini-vacation. Boy, oh boy, did it ever!

As I’m sure you’re aware, I’m not historically a resort and spa kind of gal. I tend to camp my way across the country, and while I’ve been known to indulge in a massage or pedicure, I have always poo-pooed resorts. Especially ones out in the middle of the desert. But it looks like I’m going to have to revise my stance. I’m going to tell you a tiny little secret: it was fun to be pampered for a weekend. Orange infused water, chilled towels, frozen treats every hour while I sit by the pool under my umbrella for uninterrupted reading time? Don’t mind if I do! Giant king sized bed with luxury linens, sleeping in ’til eight? Twist my arm. The wedding was beautiful, the resort was fantastic, and it felt like we escaped for longer than the 36 hours we were gone. It was FUN!

Saguaro cacti really are amazing!
Andrew poses like a true tourist.
The Sonoran Desert close to sunset.
The love was hot, and so was the temperature!
Relaxing poolside. Even in the shade, you needed to wear sunscreen!
I think we look pretty darn relaxed!

Up North

With the busyness of moving this summer, we haven’t really had much time to kick back. The cabin was the remedy to our desire for a bit of a getaway! We managed to escape for a few days in the middle of the week before Andrew started his new job at SPA (and the move into our new apartment!). Since it was a bit on the cool side, we filled our days with picking the last of the blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, reading, napping, exploring the woods with Griffin, listening to the loons, and watching the lake. It was a perfect trip, and we weren’t even sad when we left this time knowing that we can zip up there any weekend we want! Ahhh…

(Click on any photo to link to the whole gallery)


