So I know that I’m probably cursing myself by writing this down on FB, but I’m dancing around my house because I just put ALL THREE of our children to bed AT THE SAME TIME in the SAME ROOM. BOOM.
All posts by Sarah
Vocabulary Lesson
Andrew and I were talking after dinner about my experience with why girls or young women might be sitting on the sidelines of pick-up sports games, and Maggie was seemingly not listening, singing *loudly*, next to us. She kept getting louder, so my voice kept getting louder as we talked. I said, “You know? I just didn’t want to play with guys who were being all macho and major douchebags!”
Without skipping a beat, Maggie yells out, “DOUCHEBAGS! Yeah, they’re douchebags! D O U C H E B A G S!”
Thus we added another word to the, “don’t call anyone this” and “don’t say this outside our house” list.
Good Morning
I live for these moments of Zen: I overslept (because baby wakes up a lot still, and apparently when I get a chance, I am a log) and walked downstairs to my two oldest reading, one on the couch, one on a chair, baby bouncing in the bouncer, Regina Spektor on the stereo, and greeted with “Good morning Mama!”
Andrew, going nuclear: “If you two don’t knock it off and go to bed, I’m going to take a screwdriver and take that door right off and throw it away.”
<large pause>
Maggie: “You can’t even do that!”
Andrew: “Oh yes I can!”
I’m downstairs giggling even though I shouldn’t be. Giggling, that is.
Quiet Voice
Me (whispers): Can you please use your quiet voice?
Me (whispers): Maggie, please use your quiet voice.
Me: 😳
Happy Birthday Griffin!
It’s this kiddo’s EIGHTH birthday today! This sweet one, who made us parents, who makes his brother and sister feel loved, who more often than not has his nose in a book these days, whose energy is palpable, who loves snuggles before bed, who is gracious and kind…fills my heart to bursting to be his mom. Happy birthday, Griffin!
Bad Hobbits
Griffin: “Maggie’s been getting into the bad hobbit of brushing her teeth for only 30 seconds.”
Future Tolkien geek.
Better Than Anyone
Maggie: “Oliver, you’re the best person in our whole family. I love you more than Mama. I love you more than Daddy. I love you more than Griffin. You are better than anyone.”
At least we know where we stand!
Breakfast Still Life

Cyborg Dreams
Maggie regularly refers to her brain as her computer, usually in reference to her dreams or imagination. This morning as Griffin and I were talking about bad dreams, Maggie declared, “I don’t have bad dreams anymore because I thumbs down them in my computer.”