A beautiful day for skating outside! I’m so proud of my new skaters.
All posts by Sarah
Shooting Love
Going on in our house right now:
<Maggie, pointing a stick-like object at Andrew>: “SHOOT YOU!!”
Me: “Honey, please don’t shoot your daddy.”
Griffin: “But Mom, she’s shooting love!”
Maggie: “No I’m not.”
I’ve been struggling with how to write this post, or even whether to write it at all. Should I write it just for me, or write it to share? And I’ve decided to share it because this type of loss is something that is all too common among women, and I feel like we just don’t talk about it enough: I have had two miscarriages in the past year.
Andrew and I have been very lucky with our pursuit of expanding our family. Griffin and Maggie were conceived and birthed with very few complications. Two for two made us confident in the decision to try for a third, albeit a little more cautious considering our ages (I am 37, Andrew 42).
Miscarriage number one happened in March. I knew it was a statistical probability, but when it actually happened, I was a little stunned. It was still early in the pregnancy (I should have been around 8 weeks), and I was just starting to wonder about the baby and how it would change our family. After we found out the pregnancy wasn’t viable, I mourned the loss of a possibility more than an actual baby, and told myself to feel thankful for the two healthy kids we already have, feel thankful that I didn’t lose a baby later in pregnancy or at birth, or god forbid, lose a living child. I truly was thankful for all of those things, AND there was still a sense of loss that was greater than I expected. Much greater. It really threw me, including making me question whether we really should try again for a third child. I struggled with rocking the boat of the good thing we’ve got going on with the four of us, whether I wanted to risk going through a miscarriage again, how far I would be willing to go for another child…
In the end, we decided to try again. I got pregnant again at the beginning of August. The estimated due date would have been Andrew’s birthday in April, and we joked about how it seems like we’re destined to have all of our babies in April (Griffin’s birthday is April 8th, Maggie’s is April 24). I hoped the baby could wait until May, just to make life a little less crazy in April. I was relieved that this pregnancy felt different from the last: I had nausea, I was exhausted, and just overall, felt more pregnant than the last time. Then I had an early ultrasound, and the dating showed us off by about two weeks. This was a bit of a worry to me, but there was a heartbeat, so I clung to that. Then, three weeks ago, I began to bleed. We found out a few days later that this pregnancy was also not viable. I should have been 11 weeks.
I am mad. I am disappointed. I am weepy. I feel a little broken. I wish I had some answers. I am holding my two kids, whom I adore, adore, adore (even when they’re driving me nuts), tighter and making sure they hear me say, “I love you,” all of the time. I am marveling at the wonders they are, and thankful for the relative ease with which they came into our lives. I am in awe of how other women do it: those who keep on trying and do not succeed, those who lose their babies later in pregnancy or shortly after birth, those who lose their growing babies or children. This LOSS. It is deeper than I ever knew possible. To be attached to a being who doesn’t even exist yet feels so strange, and yet, there it is. There is truly no amount of logic that can explain the sadness of losing the idea of what could be, especially in the face of the richness that I already have.
There are many ways that people explain or deal with this type of loss. Many people take comfort in the idea that their unborn children wait for them in the afterlife. I respect that belief, but I do not believe in divine intervention, heaven, or an afterlife. What brings me comfort is the idea that women have held this loss before me. They have held it, grieved it, and pass on the knowledge of the struggle to me. I have met a lot of women since revealing I have had a miscarriage who have this knowledge, and while I don’t think it should define us, it is a part of who we are. This kind of knowledge deserves to be shared, whether it is a quiet acknowledgement or detailed processing with friends or family, I encourage people to talk. I hope it helps.
This post was written as a way to talk about my miscarriages, and I had started writing it before the second miscarriage had passed and completed. (For those unfamiliar with miscarriage, it generally takes a few weeks to pass, from the start of bleeding to the end.) This second time around, I did pass most of the miscarriage naturally, but unfortunately, not all of it passed cleanly and I started to hemorrhage in the middle of the night. This resulted in a large amount of blood loss and a visit to the ER. While in the ER, as I was being assessed, I suddenly started going into hypovolemic shock (shock caused by an excessive loss of bodily fluids). It was the scariest event of my life, and for a few incredibly terrifying minutes, I felt like I might die. Thankfully, the ER team at HCMC stabilized me quickly, and with fluids and a procedure to stop the bleeding, I was discharged to go home six hours later. This fact, that I was in serious medical distress at 5am and discharged on my own two feet by noon, continues to baffle me. Luckily, I did not need a blood transfusion, but I am anemic and have been slowly recovering with lots of rest, nutritious food, iron supplements, and TLC from family and friends. Frankly, my ER experience has eclipsed my feelings about the pregnancy loss. The potential for loss had I not gone in to the ER has haunted me the last couple of weeks, and I have spent a lot of time feeling grateful for trusting my instincts to get medical help when I just didn’t feel right, grateful for the support network we have, and most of all, deeply thankful for my life and three of the most important people in it.
First Day of Camp
Griffin Attitude
After dinner:
Sarah: “Whoa, whoa, your plate needs to go to the kitchen.”
Griffin: “Aw, man. I HATE bringing my plate.”
Sarah: “Let’s try that again.”
Griffin: “Okay. I GUESS I’ll bring my plate to the kitchen.”
Sarah: “Let’s try that again.”
Griffin: <HUGEST EYE ROLL EVER> “Okay, I LOVE bringing my plate to the kitchen!!”
A Minute in the Life of Maggie: 17 Months
So this video is a little more than a minute, but I think it belongs in our Minute in the Life series because it shows how much she’s changed in the last few months!
Maggie the Mimic
Maggie is 17 months old and is starting to really pick up talking! In addition, more so than I remember with Griffin, she is mimicking just about everything people do, especially when she’s watching Griffin. Tonight, however, she mimicked me after I pretended to sneeze during some after-dinner hijinks with Griffin. Too darn cute not to share!
http://youtu.be/raaplbwvVZcGriffin Says Roundup Summer 2013
Conversation at lunch today
Griffin: “Daddy, you’re the king, and I’m the prince, and Maggie’s the…whore.”
<Mama and Daddy look at each other, not knowing whether to laugh or cry>
Mama: “What is Maggie again?”
Griffin: “She drills holes. The Hole-er.”
Mama and Daddy: “Ooooohhhhhh….”
We have been promising Griffin ice cream from an ice cream truck for days, but one hasn’t crossed our path yet. Tonight, after returning from 3 hours at an outdoor pool, Griffin asked for ice cream from an ice cream truck again on the way home. Of course, we didn’t see one and once we pulled into the garage, crying ensued. After he had gained his composure, he started at it again and sobbed,
“We never should have gone to the pool!”
“Why not, honey?”
“Because it reminded me of the ice cream truck!!!”
“How did it remind you of the ice cream truck?”
Me: “I’m going to sell you to the zoo today!”
G: “Why?”
Me: “Because you’re acting like a monkey!”
G: “Are you kidding?”
Me: “Yes, I’m kidding.”
G: “But you still kinda want to do it, huh?”
Overheard in the garden(in addition to giggling under the cover of the bean pole teepee):
“Wow! These beans are wonderful!”
“Hmm, I wonder what Maggie is investigating over there?”
“Hey MOM! We’re investigating a bee pollinating a flower!”
“Wow! Look at the size of that green pepper! It is almost big enough!”
Griffin: “I really had to pee so badly that it got on the potty seat, but I used one of the wet wipes that makes it sparkly clean!!”
Me: “Griffin, I thought you just went potty.”
Griffin: “I did!”
Me: “Well, your body is wiggling around like you have a poop.”
Griffin: “The wind is just singing me a song and I’m dancing!”
Rustic Rhubarb Scone Cake
Definitely not paleo, but for sure rhubarb-a-licious! The first time I baked this, I woke Griffin up and he said, “Are we having rhubarb pie?” and I said, “Yes! How did you know?” and he said, “I heard lots of rhubarby things going on! “

3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ cup sugar
1 pinch salt
½ cup butter, chilled and cut into small pieces
¾ cup buttermilk
1 lb rhubarb, chopped (that’s about 5 stalks)
½ cup sugar
1 egg white, lightly whisked with a little water
sugar, for sprinkling
- Preheat the oven to 350°F Butter a 10 inch deep-dish pie dish and set aside.
- For the dough sift together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into a large bowl.
- Work in butter using your finger tips until dough resembles coarse cornmeal.
- Gradually add buttermilk folding the wet and dry ingredients together until a soft dough forms (you may have to add a little water).
- Turn out onto a floured surface and knead lightly just until the dough comes together (do not overwork it or it will be tough).
- Divide dough into two equal portions. Roll out half of the dough into a 12 inch round and place in pie dish.
- For the filling combine rhubarb and sugar in a bowl and stir to mix well.
- Pour filling into the pie dish.
- Roll out the remaining dough into another 12 inch round to from a pastry lid. Brush the rim of the bottom crust with water and put on the lid. Press together to seal.
- Brush the glaze evenly over the top crust and then sprinkle lightly and evenly with sugar. Cut 3-4 steam slits into the top of the pie.
- Bake until the crust is golden brown and the fruit tender for about 50 minutes.
Griffin Says Roundup
Griffin: “Could you please serve me some fruit?”
Me: “Sure!”
Griffin: “Now you’re my servant!”
Me: “Not so fast, Bucko.”
Me: “Griffin, you need to go outside. You’re starting to annoy me.”
Griffin: “But…!”
Me: “Go, now.”
<goes outside reluctantly>
Andrew (outside): “So I hear you’re being annoying.”
Griffin: “Yes I am.”
Griffin: “I’m going to become a mama soon.”
Me: “Oh? When is your baby coming?”
Griffin: “In April!”
Me: “What will you name your baby?”
Griffin: “Maggie Tulip! And she will be one, just like Maggie”
Me: “How will we tell them apart?”
Griffin: “Well, Maggie Tulip has red hair, like a tulip.”
Griffin: “Can you ask Mama to get some green beans on her way home from her trip?”
Andrew: “Well, she will be tired and doesn’t have a car, so I think we’ll just go shopping tomorrow.”
Griffin: “No, I mean, she can just ask the airplane to go to the store!”
Me: “Griffin, should we put different leg warmers on Maggie? Then she’ll look like Punky Brewster!”
Griffin: “A Pumpkin Rooster?!?!”