Category Archives: Griffin


Griffin just signed “diaper change” to me for the first time, and lo and behold, his diaper did indeed need changing! This has come at a time where I’ve been getting frustrated by his increasing desires but lack of ability to communicate them to me. Yippie for baby signing!

Happy Birthday Raven!

Raven’s real birthday (her fourth) was on Friday, but she celebrated it today with a fabulous party at Kids In Motion.  I had no idea that such a cool place was only a short walk from our house.  It’s like a huge padded gym for toddlers, featuring a massive trampoline, balls, balloons, rocking things, bouncing things, swinging things, sliding things… all the good stuff.  It was awesome.  I’ve posted a full set of photos in our gallery, with some highlights below.

Dangling Max
Dangling Max
Griffin had a blast.
Griffin had a blast!
Raven on the rope
Raven on the rope.
Zoe looking exceptionally cute.
Zoe looking exceptionally cute.
Raven helping Max down the scary slide.
Raven helping Max down the scary slide.
Cutest grin ever.
I don't know either of these two guys, but is that not the cutest look you've ever seen???
Burrito Monster
Burrito Monster
Nancy with the cake.
Nancy with the cake.


Griffin has been a babbling brook of sounds lately. I wanted to jot a few down before he actually starts reciting poetry because knowing this noggin of mine, I’ll have a hard time remembering what seems like unforgettable information.

Da-da: First word! We initially thought this was only in reference to Andrew, but we soon realized he was not really that discriminating and everything was da-da for a while.

burr: bird (this used to be any kind of animal, but now is pretty much exclusively birds)

bah: ball, balloon, anything round and ball-like

buh: book

da-da, daddy: Daddy

ma-ma: Mommy

nanna: banana

dah: dog

mah: more

sshhh: fish

muck: milk


Griffin with Mixer
Griffin helps by watching the mixer

Today I made banana walnut muffins with Griffin, and it was truly a transformative experience. This may seem like the beginning of a silly anecdote, but I am totally serious. It really opened my eyes to the fact that my child is ready for things I didn’t know he was capable of.

The idea of involving him in making muffins (which I was going to do regardless) transpired after reading a book called Sign With Your Baby and watching the corresponding DVD. I’ve been working on signing with Griffin since returning from full time work, and already he’s picked up more, milk, and all done. I wanted a little more guidance, though, and so turned to these resources. The babies in the video were communicating on such a sophisticated level that it motivated me to first, learn more signs so I can introduce them to Griffin, and second, really involve Griffin in everyday experiences so we can have more opportunities to communicate and experience things together. Muffin making this afternoon seemed like the perfect chance to start. I thought at the very least he’d be fascinated by the mixer!

Griffin with Oven
Griffin watches the muffins baking in the oven

I put him in a little apron and pulled the step stool up to the counter. He watched me measure the flour, sugar, and other dry ingredients and put them into the mixer. He listened to my warnings not to put his hands near the moving parts, and was indeed taken with the sound and movement. Next, we worked on the wet ingredients, which were set aside next to another bowl. This is where the magic started happening. I was standing behind him while he was standing on the step stool: I cracked the eggs in front of his face, which elicited an excited, “ooooooooh!” I brought out the egg beater, and we spun it together, hand over hand, to beat the eggs. He giggled. He poured in the milk and yogurt without spilling! We stirred it together with a wooden spoon. I showed him how to mash the bananas with his hand and put them in the bowl, and to my amazement, he did it unaided. This was by far his favorite part. He was laughing with every squish and signed more! when he was done. I crushed the walnuts, and he dutifully put the walnuts in the batter, one by one, after I’d combined the wet and dry ingredients.

He did get banned from actually filling the muffin tins since he wanted to stick his hand in every single one, but this is only the first of many collaborative cooking efforts; I’m sure we’ll get to a point where he will be able to help every step of the way.

Griffin with Muffin
Griffin enjoys the fruits of our collaboration

Better Than A Dog

Andrew and I are both dog people.  Before getting married, we talked pretty seriously about getting a dog, but then we got engaged, were working full time (plus I was working another part time job), planning a wedding, driving across the country, getting married…you get the picture.  It didn’t seem fair to get a dog if we couldn’t devote the time we both thought a dog deserved.  “Maybe after we’re married,” we both said.  Then I got pregnant.

Now that Griffin has been in our lives for over a year, we’ve been talking about how we’d love to have a dog someday. . .like when Griffin can take care of it.  But we’ve also been thinking, “Who needs a dog when you have a baby?”  The parallels are more than you might imagine.  Griffin likes to:

  • unroll and shred the toilet paper
  • eat everything, especially non-food items
  • get into the recycling and garbage
  • go for walks
  • pee on the rug
  • run around in the backyard
  • lap up water from puddles

And yesterday, we discovered he loves the sprinkler!  Check out the video:

Of course, a dog can’t say “Mama” or “Dada,” and a dog certainly won’t sit on your lap and listen to you read stories while he turns the pages.  And even though Griffin likes to pull all the books off of the bookshelves and reorganize the tupperware all over the kitchen floor, we think he’s a keeper and better than any dog we could have imagined.

Never Say Never

I’m discovering as I get older that perhaps I’m the kind of person who prefers the quiet.  Those of you who know me well might be saying, “Duh, Sarah.  Aren’t you the woman who has chosen to spend most of her summers in a tent in the woods?  And hey, didn’t you live for an entire year in a state park?”  So perhaps I’m a little slow on the uptake.  I mean, really, I kind of think screaming should be reserved for when you’re being eaten by a bear.  You’d think I would have figured out by now that I prefer quiet.

But seriously, sometimes these insights creep up on me and I realize, “Oooohhhhh, there are different people in the world.  Those who like it noisy and those who like it quiet, and I like quiet!”  So imagine my surprise when I said to myself, “I really should buy Griffin one of those fake phones that makes all kinds of noise when you push the buttons!  And maybe it should be in Elmo’s voice!  And be able to say Griffin’s name!  That would be an awesome addition to my life!”

Yes, I’ll confess that I’ve often looked with disdain at those toys that light up, talk to you, and do all kinds of things that seem unnecessary.  I believe the words, “The WORLD is stimulating enough!  I will never buy something like that for my child!  Kids don’t need all those bells and whistles!” have come out of my mouth on more than one occasion, definitely with an eye roll for dramatic effect.  But need is the operative word here.  Of course kids don’t NEED those things, but they sure do like ’em, and Griffin is definitely one of those kids who delights in things that go “whirrrrr!”

Sure, he’ll play with the beautiful stuffed animal I painstakingly made out of felt or the natural wooden blocks, but what he really, really loves is carrying our cordless phone around while pushing the buttons to hear the noise and watch it light up.  We were ending up chasing him all over the house making sure he didn’t dial 911 or India, and finally I decided he needed a phone of his own.

I considered looking at the second-hand stores first, but frankly traipsing all over Oakland with Griffin in tow pursuing this one thing I may never find wasn’t too appealing.  So I headed to Target as part of a greater errand run, and the choices were surprisingly limited (apparently the newest thing for kids is to have their own play laptop, so I guess I’m behind the times).  It was either Elmo, Buzz Lightyear, or some obnoxious Japanese character I’ve never heard of.  I had to forget my goal of purchasing things without television or Disney characters on them (I guess I’ve got a lot of issues), and let Griffin play with Elmo and Buzz in the cart to see which seemed the least disturbing.  Surprisingly, Elmo won.

Admittedly, Elmo is pretty cute, and Griffin absolutely loves the phone.  He carries it all around, puts it up to his ear and says, “Hay-lo!”  He hasn’t touched our real phone since, and thankfully Elmo has an off switch for those times when we need just a little more quiet.

Griffin and his new best friend

The Incredible Birthday Gift

As you may know, my sister Alli designed and printed our wedding invitations a couple of years ago, and since then Andrew and I have been telling her that she’s going to be the next big thing.  While we may be slightly biased, I do think it’s undeniable that Alli has amazing talents that produce beautiful, visually yummy designs.

It turns out she’s been working on an alphabet book for Griffin for the past eight months, and it arrived in the mail two days ago.  If my socks could have been knocked off literally, they would have shot straight across the room.  She got it “published” through Shutterfly, so it’s a real, hardcover book, and it could not be more beautiful.  It’s so beautiful, in fact, that I’m not letting Griffin touch it.  He can only look at it from a distance until his proclivity for eating books subsides.  I wish I could post the whole book, but until it’s really published (and I seriously think it could be!) I’ll share a few of my favorite pages from The Incredible Edible Alphabet by Alli Stocco.