Griffin is four months old, and he is continuing to amaze me. I know as his mother that’s what is supposed to happen, but it’s not just an admiration of him; it’s amazement at human beings in general. All of a sudden, the world seems so much more delicate, people so much more precious. That we all started this way is something of a miracle to me, and I hope to do right by him as his mom. I cannot wait to see what impact the world has on him, and what impact he has on the world. Most of all, I hope to remember to always be amazed by the little things, as awed as I am by the recognition in his eyes and the smile that breaks out on his face when he wakes in the morning to see that we’re all still here and life is wonderful.
Category Archives: Griffin
Four Month Checkup
We had a successful visit to the doctor today. Griffin was not exactly thrilled about his shots, but he got over them pretty quickly. Here are his current stats with percentiles:
- Weight: 14 lb 2 oz (33%)
- Height: 25 in (53%)
- Head Circumference: 16.5 in (40%)
But more important than the numbers: Griffin is healthy and happy. Yay.
First Camping Trip!
This weekend we joined some friends in the Sierras for a wonderful car-camping trip. We hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, swam in the reservoir, and introduced Griffin to the joys of sleeping in a tent. He was a natural—falling asleep by the fire and then sleeping soundly through the night despite the cold. Click on either image below to see the full photo album.
Noah’s Time Machine
Griffin and I went to Noah’s Bagels today to purchase bagels for our camping trip. Little did we know that we would stumble upon a wormhole to a parallel universe. A universe much like ours, except stuck in the 1950s. And their agents were buying bagels.
The Affair of the Diaper (A Mystery)
Griffin rarely cries during diaper changes—he giggles and smiles and generally seems pleased-as-punch to get his fresh, dry diaper. It was, therefore, surprising that he started crying this morning right after I fastened on a new one. Continue reading The Affair of the Diaper (A Mystery)
California Academy of Sciences
Yoni and Laura joined us for a trip into SF today to visit the new California Academy of Sciences building in Golden Gate Park. Griffin slept through most of it, but awoke in the aquarium and loved all the colorful fish. It was the first time he has engaged at all with any museum exhibits.
Not so fast…
Perhaps the magical ticklish spots are not so magical after all. We haven’t gotten the same reaction again.
Griffin has always been a bit ticklish, like he will grin if we run our fingers over his stomach during a diaper change, but it has never been extreme. Tonight, however, Sarah discovered his real ticklish spots: at the edges of his neck and shoulders! He was laughing like we’ve never heard.
First Roll!
This morning Griffin managed his first unassisted roll from front to back. He has made it onto his side before, and has made it with some help, but this time he was on his tummy in the middle of Grandma and Grandpa Stocco’s bed and managed to flip onto his back with no parental (or grandparental) guidance! Tummy time, for Griffin, often sounds a bit like torture. He grunts and groans, huffs and puffs, turns red in the face, but hasn’t had the coordination or muscle-strength to crawl or roll. At this point he can’t repeat the feat reliably, but with a bit more practice he’ll be falling off the furniture in no time.
First Tooth!
Griffin’s first tooth emerged today! We still can’t quite believe it. (Sarah was convinced that his increased drool and fussiness was due to teething, but it seemed to be too soon.) His left lower central incisor pushed through his gum and it’s companion (to its right) looks to be not far behind.