While looking out the window at the fog and drizzle pooling on last week’s snow, Griffin confided:
Rainy days don’t make me feel gloomy;
they make me feel snug.
While looking out the window at the fog and drizzle pooling on last week’s snow, Griffin confided:
Rainy days don’t make me feel gloomy;
they make me feel snug.
Not exactly how we planned to spend our Thursday, but G is now appendix-less and is recovering semi-comfortably. Thankful for trusting my (also appendix-less) gut, fantastic staff at Children’s Hospital, parents and friends who help take care of our other two kids, and overall health, all things considered. The staff here have been raving about how fantastic this kid is, and I couldn’t agree more wholeheartedly. Looking forward to getting home! ❤️
We found a dead monarch butterfly on our walk today, which lead to breaking out the microscope to look at the scales on the wings, which lead to Maggie and Griffin breaking out the science goggles and doing science projects. I just found these observations sitting on the front steps: “Science Projects!!! When we put the vinegar with the baking soda in a glass jar and put the lid on, the jar leaked because of the pressure.” 😍 #kidsarenaturalscientists
Unprompted, Griffin announced in the car tonight that he wants to grow up to be either a musician or an illustrator. (I’ll include a post soon with some of the pictures he’s drawn in his new notebook; he’s very excited about it.)
Maggie proceeded to announce that she wants to be one of three things: a dolphin trainer, a singer, or a dancer.
(For comparison, see what Griffin said in 2013 and both of them in 2016.)
Earlier this week, Griffin and Maggie created a four-level dungeon on my dry erase hex tiles. They were so excited about it that they wanted me to play in it, so Griffin volunteered to be the game master. It was his first time running a game and his first original adventure. When I asked what it was called, he replied, “The Dungeon of Doom.”
It was remarkably fun playing this game with the kids. Griffin was creative and clever, and I found myself not just playing with my children, but getting into the game. See below for a few pictures of the wild map. Beneath the pictures are some highlights from the session, written mostly for other tabletop gamers.
Dinner conversation tonight:
Griffin: “In a way, we do have superpowers.”
Sarah: “How so?”
Griffin: “We can communicate. And we can love. And we have emotions.”
Sarah: “That’s very wise.”
Griffin: <…thinking…> “But, if everyone has a superpower, then I guess it’s not really super after all.”