Category Archives: Photo
Griffin’s 5th Birthday
It’s been a rather extended celebration this year. We began on Griffin’s actual birthday, April 8, with cinnamon rolls for breakfast and family presents at dinner. Then he was honored at both of his preschools.
Then Sarah baked a spectacular cake for his party on Saturday, but the kids both woke up with pink eye and we had to cancel the party! (Noooooo! But we ate the cake, which made it ok.) We rescheduled the party for the following weekend and this time everything worked out, including an even more magnificent cake. (Six layer rainbow cake with all natural ingredients? No problem.) And grandma and grandpa presented a new bike. Woohoo!
Click on the pics for larger versions.
What has Griffin learned? Birthdays last for three weeks and include numerous celebrations, multiple cakes, magic bunnies that hide eggs, lots of chocolate, and special trips to the ice cream shop (those last tidbits were for Easter and my birthday, but the distinctions may not mean much to him). We’re setting ourselves up for success here. 🙂
Maggie on the Red Bike Rack
Before a lovely dinner at Everest on Grand, Maggie found a play structure that was just her size.
Flat Raven
Dear Raven,
A couple of weeks ago I got a letter from you. Inside the letter was Flat Raven! We took pictures of Flat Raven. It was so fun. We can’t wait to share them with you.
The first place we went with you was Hidden Falls Park on the east bank of the Mississippi River. It’s so fun because the roots of the trees are pulled up and we can climb in them and slide down them sometimes. We even hide in them while playing hide-and-seek. Did you know that the Mississippi River starts in Minnesota? It starts at a place called Lake Itasca, but it goes by not far from our house. We ride our bikes to the river sometimes.
Next we went to play with Richard, a friend of mine. We played at his preschool which is very close to my preschool, the Dodge Nature Center. Both schools have animals and lots of nature. We play outside a lot. We played a game called Grumpy Old Troll which is the same as Tag.
After we got home, we decided to walk to a Thai restaurant for dinner. This Thai restaurant is on a street called Grand Avenue not far from our house, just like the Thai restaurant we used to eat at with you in Oakland on Grand Avenue! On our way to the restaurant we found a cool purple chair beside someone’s house. My favorite Thai food is Pad Si Yew. It has big brown wide noodles. It’s so yummy!
On Thursday night we had a really big snow storm. Some places got more than a foot of snow, but we only got about six inches. Whenever it snows, we like to sled to my preschool. We took you along for a ride in Maggie’s sled. We know that it doesn’t snow very much where you live, so we thought you would enjoy this fun part of winter.
Winter Wrap-up Gallery
Giant Snow Snail!
I love finding gems like this on neighborhood walks. What a cool idea. Wish I’d seen it when it was fresh.
Maggie, 23 months
Maggie is growing up fast. I thought I’d jot down some recent observations, just a month shy from her second birthday.
- Pacifier — Neither Griffin nor Maggie was ever much interested in pacifiers until about a month ago. Then, suddenly, Maggie became an addict. She calls it her “fier” (sometimes pronounced more like “fwah”) and demands it at almost all times. I’m sure we’re dooming ourselves to future pain, but so far it has reduced crying and whining, and increased her patience with non-optimal situations (e.g., waiting for dinner).
- Talking — Speech got going in earnest for Maggie in September (≈17 months). She had a few basic nouns prior to that, but this fall she started adding vocabulary rapidly, and she clearly understood almost everything we said. She was able to respond to queries and construct simple sentences. Most of this, of course, was unintelligible outside the family (and often within). Griffin has been a particularly good interpreter. As always, the arrival of language is transformative. The balance begins to shift from interpretation to communication. She can now, pretty regularly, tell us what she wants or why she’s unhappy about a situation. This doesn’t always resolve things to her satisfaction, but it’s worlds better than us trying to guess why she’s crying in her car seat (Diaper? Cold? Hot? Thirsty? Hungry? Itchy? Uncomfortable? Bored? Fire ants?). We still remind her regularly to “Use your words,” but the fact that she can is a gigantic leap.
- “Griffin” — She never had much of a name for Griffin because his name was so hard to say. She could say “Mama” and “Daddy,” but had nothing to say when pointing at Griffin. This changed in February when she finally managed a recognizable version of his name. It’s not 100% consistent, but sounds something like “Guhggin” or “Gohdun.”
- “I choose!” — This usually relates to clothing, when Maggie will demand to choose every article of clothing and gets very peevish about any fashion advice. This is great… most of the time. Can be difficult when we’re in a rush or when the weather dictates warmer options than she’s choosing. I’m getting better at pre-selecting her options, like, “Do you want these long johns or these ones?” She’s usually game for that.
- “I try!” — Maggie wants to do everything herself, and this is her battle cry. It often follows, “I choose!” when getting dressed. She loves to try and dress herself. Again, often fun (and she’s remarkably good at it), but it works best when we have a very leisurely schedule. If we’re in a rush to get her brother to preschool, she will howl like she’s dying as I pull her socks on. She also regularly wants to do scarier things like help us cook at the hot stove, climb playground equipment way beyond her ability, cross streets without holding hands, etc.
Eating — Maggie is at an adventurous eating stage. Meals are another time when “I try!” comes out. She sees me pour Sriracha on my soup and suddenly the world will end if she doesn’t have a large dollop of chili sauce on her soup too. But, with that said, she’s quite tolerant of strong flavors and even a bit of heat. She loves dipping things into ketchup, too, including just about anything that she’s eating. She’s remarkably good with silverware, using a regular salad fork and teaspoon for the past few months. She prefers using silverware even when it slows her down. This is in contrast to Griffin who still regularly digs into his bowl of mac-and-cheese with his hand; no joke. See our recent Two Plates post for a fairly typical comparison after an identical meal.
- Climbing — Maggie is getting really into climbing. Recently she began climbing the ladder to Griffin’s loft without assistance. This is terrifying. She climbs into and out of her high chair, usually successfully, and can sometimes manage her car seat. She has no trouble with stairs, but sometimes chooses to sit at one end or the other wailing for a parent to carry her.
Playing with Griffin — Maggie and Griffin have become inseparable playmates. Throughout the day we hear Griffin saying things like, “Maggie, do you want to have a dark party?” or “Maggie, do you want to play chase?” or “Maggie, do you want to read some books?” Maggie usually cocks her head quizzically for a moment and then says, “Yeah!” Over spring break I’ve been down with a nasty virus, so it’s been wonderful to see the kids playing so well together. A particular miracle has been their new habit of reading together in Maggie’s crib in the morning (instead of yelling for me at the top of their lungs).
Other recent Maggie pics:
Poppies at Sunset
We were learning about Claude Monet. He’s an artist. All the people who saw his art just laughed at it and made fun of it and even thrown it in the garbage because he just did blobs but that was his way. Impressionism. We looked at lots of paintings. I liked the one with the flowers and the pink house.
This one painting is about his house is covered in green. I made his house yellow. You can barely see the yellow because it is his house and it is covered with grass. The red spots are poppies and sun. The name is Poppies at Sunset.
Winter Girl
Yep, Maggie fell asleep in the swing right after a snow storm. She’s definitely from Minnesota!
Snowshoe Commute
We had a mega-snowstorm here on Thursday, dumping a good 8-10 inches on our neighborhood in Saint Paul (better than the 18″ recorded just 100 miles north in Superior, WI!). In any normal year this would have produced a snow day, but after missing 4.5 days of school already, we stayed open. Many teachers and students faced multi-hour commutes. For me, it was just a matter of strapping on the snow shoes and trudging my usual mile. It was fun, and I tried not to be smug about the five stuck cars I passed on the way. Below are two phone pics I shot on the way. Alas, I couldn’t figure out a way to compose a selfie that included my snow shoes. (I need longer arms… or a fish-eye lens.)