Category Archives: Photo

Spring Weather

As a bit of an April Fools day meteorological joke, we were hit with a fairly severe blizzard overnight. With 8.5 inches of snow at the airport, this puts us at the third snowiest winter since records began in 1971. And this wasn’t just a blizzard, it was a thunder blizzard. Lightning and thunder accompanied the billowing snow in the evening. Our power went out for an hour or so in the night, but was miraculously back on before sunrise.

View from the front door this morning.
And out back…

For more details, check out this morning’s post on the Updraft Blog (MPR’s weather site).

Snow Days

A big winter storm came through this week. Two more days off from school. (First day was a false-positive… we could have easily made it to school, but it had already been called.) Today (the second day), seems much more justified.

Back porch scene this morning (with a few more hours of snow to come).

Actually, this is just for Andrew and Griffin’s school (SPA). Maggie and Oliver got three days off!

A Doozy of a Valentine’s Day

Tuesday, February 14, began like many other Valentine’s days at the Stocco-Roy household. The table was set with a surprise for the kids. Andrew got up early to make strawberry shortcake.

Griffin awoke and was frustrated that a lingering cold seemed to be getting significantly worse. He was tired and stuffy. We had him do a COVID test just out of habit. Meanwhile, we were all enjoying ourselves.

Valentine’s Day surprises (and Griffin taking a COVID test)

Laughter turned to shock when Griffin’s test came up positive. Panic! Everyone else takes tests. Maggie is positive too. What? How can this be?

First COVID in our house since waaaay back in November of 2020 when Oliver tested positive. That time was far scarier, of course, because it was pre-vaccine and we thought we would all catch it from him and it wasn’t clear how bad it might be. Now, even though COVID is rather hum-drum in the world around us, it was still surprisingly upsetting. No school for the two of them. Testing every day for the rest of us. Worries about sub plans and school.

Most importantly, we had a wild weekend planned for Presidents Day: three nights at a cabin in northern Minnesota, skiing, a sauna with potential icy dip in the lake, and a dog-sledding adventure (Sandy and Stape’s awesome Christmas gift to the family).

At first we duped ourselves into thinking that we could still go as long as the rest of us avoided the COVID. Griffin and Maggie would have to stay masked, but we could avoid others until Sunday when they would be in the clear. The dog sledding was on Monday, so everything would be fine. We had the kids packing on Thursday and were getting ready to load the car on Friday when Sarah realized that she wasn’t feeling well. COVID test was negative, but she was worried.

We sat down to think it through. Instead of focusing on how to preserve our plans, we considered how we would feel if someone else showed up at Du Nord (the place with the cabins) with active COVID cases in their family. We would think they were jerks for putting the rest of the community at risk. Sigh. So, we did the right thing and cancelled the trip. (Darn golden rule…)

This turned out to be a good thing. No further COVID cases that we’ve yet detected, but Sarah definitely had a stomach bug (not fun) and Griffin’s recovery has been slow. We managed to make it feel like a staycation, complete with the kids cooking a surprise feast for us on Friday night. The menu: fresh French fries appetizer (from scratch, hot oil and everything!), pasta with fancy sauce, fresh squeezed orange/mango juice, and butterscotch blondies for dessert. There was an intention to make a salad too, but somehow they forgot that bit.

This set a great tone for the weekend, where we chilled out, played lots of games, watched some movies, and managed to do some epic cleaning of the house.

Table set for the kids’ fancy feast.
The aftermath. Yikes.