Tag Archives: Griffin

Daddy Afternoon

It’s our first full day in Boulder, hanging out with Alli and Nik.  After a very cranky breakfast, we put Griffin down for a much-needed nap.  Auntie Alli and Sarah went shopping and Nik headed out to a meeting, so I was left in charge while Griffin slept.  After he awoke, we had a super-fun afternoon!

First, we went and got the laundry from the laundromat downstairs.  To Griffin’s immense excitement, while investigating behind the trash can, he discovered a huge dirty plunger.  Fun!

Then we went back to the apartment and decided that folding all the laundry was a bore… so we had choices: lunch or swimming.  We decided on swimming.  The pool was cold, but Griffin had a blast.  There were inner tubes and a ball that he kept throwing into the water.  And there was a puddle on the deck to splash in.  I was a bit nervous heading down there, because Griffin has no sense of self-preservation when it comes to the water… he’ll happily walk right off the edge into the water.  But we were in sync this time, and had fun exploring the whole environment. He seemed to understand the concept of the stairs better this time — he knew that he had to stay on the first two steps.  (Later, however, he did try to make a sudden leap into the deep end.)

After swimming we were hungry.  Griffin happily ate a piece of bread, half a banana, turkey, ham, cheddar cheese, and even a bit of pesto.  Yum.

Then, of course, it was time for a stroll around the courtyard.  More fun, and Griffin was happy to smile for the camera.  (See the pics below.)  It feels pretty good to have only one responsibility: being Dad.

Creepy Rest Stops?

We’ve made great progress today, day two of our road trip to Minnesota. Griffin has been a champ, and we have sacrificed some of our ideals in an effort to keep things interesting for him.

Sacrifice 1: McDonalds Playland, Elko, Nevada. To be clear, we did not eat a meal there, but wow was Griffin immediately mesmerized by the place. And, honestly, for good reason. The slide was gigantic and colorful and filled with friendly kids. All this joy can be yours for the low low price of a big mac. We settled on an ice cream cone.

Sacrifice 2: Rainbow Casino, Wendover, Nevada. We thought this might be a good place to stop for lunch. (Casino restaurants are fairly cheap and offer some healthier options than fast food chains.). We forgot how weird casinos can be. We all gasped when we walked in. It is definitely the strangest place Griffin has ever been: a glittering wonderland. He was so excited by all the lights and sounds and mirrors and thick soft carpeting! Of course the place was fairly deserted, with only a handful of decrepit people pouring money into the slot machines. By the time we finished lunch the magic wore off and we fairly sprinted out of there.

View from inside the plastic labyrinth.
Griffin loved sitting in Ron's lap. Seriously, he would keep trying to climb up!
Mama extraction.
This doesn't do justice to the over-the-top decor of the casino.

Happy Birthday Raven!

Raven’s real birthday (her fourth) was on Friday, but she celebrated it today with a fabulous party at Kids In Motion.  I had no idea that such a cool place was only a short walk from our house.  It’s like a huge padded gym for toddlers, featuring a massive trampoline, balls, balloons, rocking things, bouncing things, swinging things, sliding things… all the good stuff.  It was awesome.  I’ve posted a full set of photos in our gallery, with some highlights below.

Dangling Max
Dangling Max
Griffin had a blast.
Griffin had a blast!
Raven on the rope
Raven on the rope.
Zoe looking exceptionally cute.
Zoe looking exceptionally cute.
Raven helping Max down the scary slide.
Raven helping Max down the scary slide.
Cutest grin ever.
I don't know either of these two guys, but is that not the cutest look you've ever seen???
Burrito Monster
Burrito Monster
Nancy with the cake.
Nancy with the cake.


Griffin has been a babbling brook of sounds lately. I wanted to jot a few down before he actually starts reciting poetry because knowing this noggin of mine, I’ll have a hard time remembering what seems like unforgettable information.

Da-da: First word! We initially thought this was only in reference to Andrew, but we soon realized he was not really that discriminating and everything was da-da for a while.

burr: bird (this used to be any kind of animal, but now is pretty much exclusively birds)

bah: ball, balloon, anything round and ball-like

buh: book

da-da, daddy: Daddy

ma-ma: Mommy

nanna: banana

dah: dog

mah: more

sshhh: fish

muck: milk


Griffin with Mixer
Griffin helps by watching the mixer

Today I made banana walnut muffins with Griffin, and it was truly a transformative experience. This may seem like the beginning of a silly anecdote, but I am totally serious. It really opened my eyes to the fact that my child is ready for things I didn’t know he was capable of.

The idea of involving him in making muffins (which I was going to do regardless) transpired after reading a book called Sign With Your Baby and watching the corresponding DVD. I’ve been working on signing with Griffin since returning from full time work, and already he’s picked up more, milk, and all done. I wanted a little more guidance, though, and so turned to these resources. The babies in the video were communicating on such a sophisticated level that it motivated me to first, learn more signs so I can introduce them to Griffin, and second, really involve Griffin in everyday experiences so we can have more opportunities to communicate and experience things together. Muffin making this afternoon seemed like the perfect chance to start. I thought at the very least he’d be fascinated by the mixer!

Griffin with Oven
Griffin watches the muffins baking in the oven

I put him in a little apron and pulled the step stool up to the counter. He watched me measure the flour, sugar, and other dry ingredients and put them into the mixer. He listened to my warnings not to put his hands near the moving parts, and was indeed taken with the sound and movement. Next, we worked on the wet ingredients, which were set aside next to another bowl. This is where the magic started happening. I was standing behind him while he was standing on the step stool: I cracked the eggs in front of his face, which elicited an excited, “ooooooooh!” I brought out the egg beater, and we spun it together, hand over hand, to beat the eggs. He giggled. He poured in the milk and yogurt without spilling! We stirred it together with a wooden spoon. I showed him how to mash the bananas with his hand and put them in the bowl, and to my amazement, he did it unaided. This was by far his favorite part. He was laughing with every squish and signed more! when he was done. I crushed the walnuts, and he dutifully put the walnuts in the batter, one by one, after I’d combined the wet and dry ingredients.

He did get banned from actually filling the muffin tins since he wanted to stick his hand in every single one, but this is only the first of many collaborative cooking efforts; I’m sure we’ll get to a point where he will be able to help every step of the way.

Griffin with Muffin
Griffin enjoys the fruits of our collaboration

Minnesota Progress

A lot has happened in the past four days:

  • On Wednesday we flew to Minnesota, duly documented via iPhone.
  • On Thursday morning I met with the principal of the St. Paul Open School.
  • Then we had lunch with Maddy and Zoe and I visited Laura Jeffrey Academy, an all-girls middle school in St. Paul.  I toured the school with some prospective parents and then had a great meeting with the educational director (their equivalent of a principal).
  • Somehow in the midst of all this Sarah and I drove around various neighborhoods in St. Paul and Minneapolis to start thinking about where we might want to live.
  • On Thursday evening we celebrated Griffin’s first birthday in Courtland with a whole passel of Stocco family friends.  It was fun and festive, and the cake was delicious.
  • Friday morning began with a somewhat strange meeting with the principal of a progressive charter school in Minneapolis.  Sarah and I participated in their “morning meeting” and then chatted briefly (and awkwardly) with the principal who basically said he doesn’t have any job openings and has no ideas about where one should look for teaching jobs.  Weird.
  • Then we raced over to Crosswinds Middle School in Woodbury (east of St. Paul) and met with a friend of a friend who has been teaching there for a bunch of years.  She was great and introduced us to her principal who was similarly great.
  • The sum of all the meetings was that budget cuts will make the job search very challenging. On the bright side, I got many useful tips on how to best market myself and where to focus my efforts most productively.  At this point I’m focusing on charter schools and will start checking out possible private school options.
  • On Friday afternoon Sarah and I met with a realtor and started looking at houses and exploring various neighborhoods in St. Paul.  Our first foray was a bit underwhelming (but things got better later).
  • On our drive back to Courtland that evening we realized that we were utterly exhausted.  We called the realtor to reschedule our Saturday tour to Sunday morning.
  • Saturday was our spring break!  We had a leisurely breakfast, napped, took long hot baths, and walked to the local park where Griffin loved the slide.  (First time he has ever been really into it — he just kept diving down this one, head first!  Pictures will be forthcoming.)  I also wrote thank you cards to the various people I had met with during the week.
  • This morning (seriously, I can’t believe this was today) we raced back up to the Cities to meet with our realtor.  Today’s tour focused mostly on Minneapolis and was much more positive.  We saw a fabulous house in the Bryn Mawr neighborhood and a couple of other cool contenders in Southwest and near Lake Nokomis.
  • Then a picnic lunch by the lake with Pam and Jeff who had just picked up uncle Bob at the airport.  Fun in the sun, and great to overlap with Bob for an hour.
  • Then back to the airport to fly back to SFO.  Griffin had a harder time on this flight.  He’s got a molar coming in and was tired but couldn’t fall into a comfortable sleep.  Still, he handled it pretty well and is a pro at airplane bathroom diaper changes.
  • When Ed picked us up at the BART station he handed us a bag with three English muffins from our favorite bakery.  He figured we might not have breakfast organized for tomorrow.  Is that not the sweetest thing?

Whew.  We would never have been able to get this much done if Pam and Jeff and Alli hadn’t handled Griffin during most of our trips to the Cities.  It was a win-win for everybody: we got a lot done and Griffin got to bond with his grandparents and auntie!

Here’s what Griffin thought about all of this on the BART ride home:

Worn out after house hunting and job hunting and birthday partying... what a spring break!

I can’t believe I have to work tomorrow!

Happy Birthday Griffin!

We tried to get a cake from the bakery in Minneapolis that made Sarah's first birthday cake but it had closed long ago. However, this one was made in the same spirit, with clowns, balloons, and two coke bottles from the original cake!
Griffin doesn't quite know what it is, but he's pretty sure he wants to touch it.
Whoa, that's sweet! (Probably more sugar tonight than in his whole first year...)
I could get into this...
Sticky gooey fun!
In the end, not nearly as messy as we had expected. He didn't even put his hands in his hair. Older and wiser already!