This was Griffin’s first appointment in Minnesota. Â We loved our new doctor. Â Below are his current physical measurements with percentiles. Â (By the way, we don’t take these very seriously, but figure we might as well record them.)
Griffin will be 10 months old on Monday! Whew. We went to his pediatrician on Friday and have his latest stats. All in all, Dr. Junge is happy with his growth and progress and thinks Griffin is an all-around swell guy. Also of note is Griffin’s latest tooth count, which stands at an impressive 13.
We had a successful visit to the doctor today. Griffin was not exactly thrilled about his shots, but he got over them pretty quickly. Here are his current stats with percentiles:
Weight: 14 lb 2 oz (33%)
Height: 25 in (53%)
Head Circumference: 16.5 in (40%)
But more important than the numbers: Griffin is healthy and happy. Yay.
Griffin got a bunch of nasty shots today, which has him feeling pretty low. But the doc confirmed what we already suspected: he’s doing great. Here are the numbers (with percentiles in parentheses):
Weight: 11 lb 9 oz (53%)
Height: 22 3/4 in (50%)
Head Circumference: 15.98 in (70%)
[Update: at our 4 month visit the doctor thought that maybe they screwed up his head measurements during this visit. Or maybe his head is growing in fits and starts.]
After working our butts off to feed Griffin a zillion times a day, we were thrilled to find his weight going up. He is now heavier than he was at birth! Here are the numbers (percentiles in parentheses):
It seems that we live at the doctor’s office these days. Nothing serious, just a lot of visits that basically come down to making sure Griffin is getting enough to eat.
Griffin was nine pounds at birth, but quickly lost almost a full pound. Since this is more than 10% of his body-weight, the doctors get a bit nervous and want to check on things regularly. Between lots of lactation lessons and supplementing with formula (via a tiny tube from a syringe) we have been trying to get his weight back up.
We were taught this technique, called “finger feeding”, as a way to reduce nipple confusion and to encourage a good latch during breastfeeding.