Tag Archives: milestones
Griffin Walks!
Griffin has been experimenting a lot with walking lately: letting go of the coffee table, taking one step and then falling to his knees in a crawl, cruising all around a chair, or holding on to a finger to barrel across the room. But TODAY he full-on walked for the first time!
I had just gotten home from work, my arms full of baby and bags. I put Griffin down on his feet next to an ottoman and threw my bags to the floor. Just as I was about to drop to the floor and join him, he turned around and walked seven or eight steps to a pile of boxes that have been waiting to be put in the storage shed. He did it all by himself!
I tried to get him to repeat his wondrous new abilities once Andrew got home from school, but the G-man still prefers crawling. It will only be a matter of time before he’s confident enough to try it again!
He Crawls! He Stands!
We’ve been neglectful blogging parents lately, but Griffin’s been making so many leaps developmentally, we can hardly keep up. Over Thanksgiving break in Santa Cruz, despite the slippery tile floors of the rental house, Griffin learned to crawl. Andrew was witness to the first official crawl (and burned his Thanksgiving cheesecakes in the midst of the excitement), as well as the first official pull-up-to-standing. It’s so amazing that Andrew has been around for these developmental milestones in spite of the fact that he’s working full time!
We had only one week between Griffin’s crawling victory and pulling up to standing, so we’re frantically baby-proofing much higher than we thought we’d initially have to. Actually, I think baby-proofing is a misnomer. It should be baby-not-going-to-get-hurt-too-badly-if-he-comes-into-contact-with-this…-ing. Thankfully he’s not very fast yet, but it’s only a matter of time.
Griffin Sits!
It seemed like just an ordinary web chat. Auntie Alli was getting caught up on all of the latest with Griffin, and he was looking cute for the camera. I kept trying to get him to do his new tricks, but he was so fascinated by the glowing red ring of the web cam, it was hard to get him to do anything other than stare. As Alli and I chatted, though, Griffin started sitting up on his own without support! Live, from the living room floor, Auntie Alli witnesses a milestone! It was quite exciting for everyone…except Griffin who acted like he’d been doing it his entire life. After we said goodbye, I played with Griffin some more on the rug, surrounding him with pillows to cushion the inevitable topple. It was then that the real fun started. Take a look:
Love At First Bite
We have crossed over into solid food, folks! Griffin is in love with bananas. He also ate some rice cereal today, but banana was the clear winner. I’ve been wanting to officially introduce him to real food, and today just happened to be the day. With six teeth already, I’m sure Great-Grandma Doris would say, “It’s about time!”

Record Breaking Nap
I have to take a moment of what will soon be the end of the longest nap Griffin has ever taken to say how great it is to be able to have two hours in the middle of the day to do things like laundry, dishes, tidying up, and writing blog entries. Let’s hope this turns into a trend!
Rolling Both Ways
Over the past few weeks Griffin has been getting better and better at front-to-back rolls. He sometimes goes the other way, but never quite makes it. There’s always an arm or an elbow preventing him from completely rolling onto his front. Tonight, inspired by a visit from his friend Rosie, he managed an effortless roll onto his tummy! (Rosie is two months older and is an Olympic class roller.) Pretty soon Griffin will be rolling clear across the room.
First Real Food!
Teething Pain
Griffin’s third tooth broke through on Wednesday, and it has been a tough couple of days for him. (Oddly enough, it was his right lower lateral incisor, which doesn’t “typically” arrive for another eight months.) This evening the pain was obviously excruciating, leading to his worst meltdown in a very long time. I took this picture a few minutes before he really lost it.
On a Roll…
As you know if you’ve been paying attention, Griffin’s first roll was on July 27. Since then he hasn’t repeated the trick… until today. During a long period of “tummy time”, Griffin repeatedly rolled from front to back. (Never the reverse, yet.) It’s certainly not easy, but he’s got the basic motions down. Sarah managed to catch one of them on film (or digital tape anyway):