Sarah: “Oliver, I’m just a bit sleepy. I want to lay on the couch for a few minutes, ok? Can you build quietly for a few minutes?”
Oliver: “UGH. ACK. RAWR. UGH.”
S: “Not exactly what I had in mind, honey.”
O: “But I want to make a leaning tower of PIZZA. It’s not WORKING.”
Tag Archives: Oliver Says
Oliver: “Daddy I really want to ride a duck.”
Daddy: “A duck?”
O: “Yes. With a swimsuit.”
D: “Why a swimsuit?”
O: “In case I fall in the water I can throw my clothes to shore and then swim.”
The Bright Side
Oliver: “Daddy, maybe it’s not pee. Maybe Piper came down and took a shower and then accidentally dripped on the rug while she was drying off.”
True Love
Oliver: “Daddy, why are you closing the garage door?”
Daddy: “So that Piper doesn’t run away.”
Oliver thinks for a bit and then says, “But we could just buy a new dog!”
Shopping List
This morning, Oliver offered to help me write the shopping list. He dictated the following:
- watermelon
- salad for Daddy and Mama
- pineapple pancakes
- pie for lunches
- cereal for some dinners
- And, some day can we see some whales?
Oliver 3.5
Oliver is nearly half way through his fourth year. As such, he is changing even more rapidly than his siblings. This post is a summary of things we have observed recently.
- He talks. A lot. A tsunami of words at all times, often preceded with, “Hey Mama!” or “Hey Daddy!”
- He likes to tell stories that meander from place to place with very little rhyme or reason.
- He says “last night” to mean anytime in the past. For example, when referring to a trip we took in December, he might say, “Last night when we were at Grummy and Grandpa’s house.”
- He prefaces many sentences with “I think so.” For example:
- “I think so, Mama’s at the store.”
- “I think so, tomorrow is a school day.”
- “I think so, we need to buy some more bananas ‘cuz I like bananas.”
- “I think so, we need to buy a new house because we have a hole in the wall.”
- He regularly comes up with linguistic gems that we imagine we’ll remember, but then can’t quite reconstruct. I recall one from this morning when I think he was trying to describe something evaporating: “Maybe it just winded away…”
- He loves it when we set timers. Before bed, he will often ask for a timer so that he can have “five more minutes!” to play. Usually, when the timer goes off he is happy to go upstairs.
- He has ups and downs with emotional regulation. Sometimes he is easygoing and chill with changes of plan. At other times, he is stubborn and gets wildly upset over minor things: “But I wanted to put my toothbrush away MYSELF!!!!”
- He loves to help in the kitchen and is getting better at it. He can often pour things into mixing bowls, stir things, count things out, or chop vegetables with his special chopper.
- He is entirely potty trained except when he isn’t. We have trouble understanding what the key factors are. Sometimes he has no trouble for many days in a row. At other times, he’s on his third pair of pants before lunch. He can’t quite clamber up on the big potty yet, but loves to use his little one.
- He still naps for 1-2 hours in the afternoon. Naptime and bedtime routines are straightforward: read a few books (or chapters from longer books) and then say goodnight. He often asks me to stay for “a little bit.”
Some additions from Griffin and Maggie:
- He’s really annoying.
- Maggie: He hits, kicks, and pinches a lot for no reason. (Griffin adds, “Actually, for a reason, because you do it.”)
- Maggie: “This morning, Oliver was kicking me on the bed while I was doing HouseParty. I didn’t do anything!”
- He interrupts a lot, saying, “But I’m talking!”
- He’s a DUPLO master and is pretty good with regular legos too.
- The Mandalorian was too scary for him. She-Ra is just right.
- He often doesn’t finish his food and says that he wants us to “save it for tomorrow” but then never eats it.
- He always wants to play with you in the least convenient times.
- He always touches the screen when me and Griffin are playing on our iPads.
Coversation evolution
The following is a conversation that I had with Oliver as I was helping get him ready for bed tonight.
<I’ve just brought in the top to the pajama bottoms he picked out.>
O: Oh, Mama! You found the match! How did you find that?
M: It was in your pajama bin at the bottom!
O: I LOVE those pajamas. They look like a Christmas tree. Hey, Mama. Why did you take down the Christmas tree?
M: It was dead, and all the needles were falling off. Plus it’s not Christmas anymore!
O: When will it be Christmas? Tomorrow?
M: No, it’s a loooong way away.
O: On Thursday?
M: No, it’s many months away. Let’s count: April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. That’s 9 months. That’s a long time.
O: So next Saturday?
M: No, months have about 30 days in them, so that’s 270 days away! That’s a lot!
O: Like this many? <holds up both hands>
M: No, that’s only ten. See, we’re only in spring, which is a season and another way we mark time. Spring is when all the plants come alive. Then it will be summer, which is another season, when it’s warm, and we can go swimming outside. And then it’s fall, when the leaves fall off the trees and we get to pick all the food we grew in our garden over the summer.
O: <squeals> I LOVE OUR GARDEN! Can we have an ONION TREE?!?
M: Wow, an onion tree?
O: <excitedly> YES! It will grow and grow and then we’ll get to pick the onions that are hanging!!
M: That would be really great. But onions don’t grow on trees. They grow in the ground!
O: <surprised face> Oh!! Then we will just grow them in the ground, and then hang them in the trees, and then we will pick them from the trees!
M: Alright! That sounds like a plan.
O: Can we also plant a sausage tree?
M: Well, sausages don’t grow.
O: How about a hot dog tree?
M: Also not a plant.
O: Ok, then we will grow a bunny cookie tree that will have bunny cookies hanging from the branches, but it will just be pretend.
M: That sounds good, honey.
<30 minutes later as I’m saying goodnight after tucking him in>
O: So will we plant our garden tomorrow afternoon?
M: Not quite, love. In a few weeks.
O: In the afternoon?
M: We can do it in the afternoon.
O: I love you, Mama.
M: I love you, too, Bug.
Oliver, while inhaling noisily: “I’m drinking the wind!”
USS Maggie
Maggie: “Oliver, you’re an amazing little brother! What am I to you?”
Oliver: “Maybe a . . . spaceship?”