Tag Archives: silly
Project Runway, Here We Come!
Griffin, much occupied with career thoughts these days, is now considering the world of fashion design. Two hours before attending a wedding yesterday, I went into my closet where I had set aside my best summery linen shirt for the occasion. Griffin, attempting to reboot my wardrobe, had made some alterations.
Note the asymmetrical slashing—very fashion forward. Worried that I might fall back on other shirts, he proceeded through ten shirts with a similarly whimsical Jack-the-Ripper mystique. These were, in fact, my ten best shirts; I had put them at the front of the rack as I considered which shirt to wear to the wedding. (And, my wardrobe does not overflow with wedding garb.) Griffin astutely ignored the oversize denim and flannel, the maroon corduroy, the checkered seersucker, the ink-stained taupe, and any shirts missing buttons. Luckily for the bride and groom, my little fashionista missed a duplicate oxford at the far end of the rack, so I was able to attend the wedding in something other than my Republicans for Voldemort t-shirt.
Time to go shopping. And lock up the scissors.
Maggie Busts a Move
Maggie, my parents, and I recently flew out to Oregon to attend a dear family friend’s wedding. It was a lovely day spent in the woods of the Pacific Northwest, but Maggie was beyond tired after dinner and we thought it was time to go as the evening set in. Just as we were preparing to say our goodbyes, the music started playing and Maggie perked up. Unprompted by anyone, she started tearing it up! The video I captured unfortunately missed some of her best moves, but you’ll get the idea. Next time the crankies are coming on, I think I’ll throw on some fast tunes and get her to dance!
http://youtu.be/IyePHWCEORIFavorite Song
It’s February in Minnesota, and we’ve been having a lot of dance parties to get out our energy. Griffin’s hands-down favorite song is Say Hey by Michael Franti. He calls it the “I Love You Song” and he could listen to it all day long if I let him! He recently made up a dance called The Salt and Pepper, which involves shaking his fists up and down, “like I’m shaking salt and pepper!!” It’s pretty cute, and if it gets his energy out, I’m all for it!
http://youtu.be/dNiSUk_8Z0oMaggie even has a dance of her own, too:
http://youtu.be/hRkON3aGHu8A Minute in the Life of Griffin and Maggie
Griffin and Maggie love each other! Griffin is 3 1/2 and Maggie is 7 months.
http://youtu.be/7Yb395CCGuYThanksgiving, Griffin Style
No thank you.
Stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc?
No, no, no…
Ok, Griffin, what would you like?
A pickle and some cranberry sauce!
Hilarious Brother
Maggie laughs a lot these days, and the one person who can make her laugh more than anyone is her big brother. He also managed to make me laugh pretty hard today, too.
http://youtu.be/jhHMLe6a2csLunatic Poet
Griffin’s new favorite game:
Conversation between two students in the hall before school this morning:
“You know it’s going to be a good day when you’re driving to school and someone flicks off your mom.”
Old Man Griffin
Text message from Sarah in California:
Sleeping with G is like sleeping with a freaking flying walinda. Made it til 5 or so but he just had a poop on the potty! He said, “My poop’s hard. I need fiber.”