Tag Archives: silly

The Joy of No Clothes

20090829_220740_002Our bedtime routine for the past couple of weeks developed from the discovery that Griffin really likes to play on his changing table without anything on. The first night I was ready to put on his diaper after only a couple of minutes but was met with so much protest, it was obvious he didn’t want the fun to stop. We played for longer and after he’d had his fill, he was ready to move on to diaper and pj’s and settle in for the night. He has clearly been delighting in naked time, squealing and laughing as I tickle him, pretend to eat his toes, and kiss him on his neck, tummy, and armpits (his favorite). This has turned into a 30 minute affair that we both really enjoy! It’s so different interacting with him now that he has stronger likes and dislikes.

Today is already turning into a warm one, so I decided to let him have naked time in the middle of the day while I folded diapers. He rolled around his quilt, babbling at me and playing with his toys. It seems inevitable that he will soon be asking me why naked time isn’t all the time!


