At the end of our California trip we flew from SF to San Diego to spend a few glorious days with our dear friends, Liz and Kevin, and their son, Gabe. (Plus adorable Buddy.) We hung out at the beach, went on leisurely walks around the neighborhood, spent a day at the zoo, and played with Buddy in the yard. Below are photos from many of these adventures. (The zoo photos were hum-drum, so we’ve left them out. It’s a great zoo though; you should go there.)
Kevin, among many other things, is a brilliant photographer. We always treasure the shots he takes on his camera. All of the photos below that are marked “-KM” are Kevin’s. The rest were taken by Sarah or Andrew.
Remember that you can click on a photo to see the set in a full window slide show — they look best big!
We were fortunate enough to rent a house in Bodega Bay that would accommodate all of the Roy Boys and their families, and at a time when everyone could make it! It was a sweet time to reconnect with Anthony, Gena, Dave, Nancy, and their kids. The cousins were non-stop playing from the moment we arrived until the moment we left! Highlights included trips to the beach, meals together, and a carnival put on by the kids. We have a lot of photos in this set, mostly of the adorable children. I have a feeling our kids will be talking about this trip for a long time to come!
Maggie, with the friendly neighbor kitty, in front of the house.
Cousins! From left to right: Raven, Caleb, Julia, Griffin, Maggie, Max
Take two
Take three
The youngest kiddo, Caleb
Look at those cheeks!
Maggie contemplating
Our first excursion to the beach!
Dave surveys the dunes
Julia, Andrew, Gena, Anthony, and Caleb arrive.
It was chilly, but that didn’t seem to bother the kids!
Running Max
The coolest discovery ever: a driftwood fort!
The kids could have stayed here all day
Griffin checks out the construction
Maggie and Andrew arrive at the fort
Maggie enjoys the sea breeze
Ahoy! I think there be pirates!
Maggie, Sarah, and Griffin rock the stripes
Hot tubbing back at the house
A favorite kid activity at the house: running in and out of the doors
Still running
Can we play, too?
Julia, take two!
Julia and Maggie
Cracker conversations
Let’s give Caleb a cracker, too!
Shall we see if we can break this?
Sweet Maggie
Sweet Raven
Sweet Max, Griffin, and Julia
The Roy Clan
The Roy Clan, take two
The Roy Clan, outtake
Maggie wants to be like her big cousin, Raven
How are those jokes, Maggie?
Beach day two
Maggie wanted to play chase with the waves, first with Daddy…
An annual tradition, we joined friends near Powderhorn Park in Minneapolis for the 40th annual May Day Parade. It’s an incredible production every year. The pictures below illustrate some of the contrasts and creativity that characterize the parade. Click to view a larger slideshow.
Before the official parade began. Flaming punk ferris wheel and skating a half-pipe in a cage…
Big section on bees
The hive
A section focused on the tiny side of life.
A rotting log.
A beetle.
Amazing costume
Al Franken ran by just before the canoe guy, but I missed my shot.
Maggie’s birthday, just a few days after Griffin’s rescheduled party, was a lower key affair, but fun for all of us. It began with some presents in the morning before Andrew went to school. Then a pancake breakfast with Caroline and Griffin. Then, by Maggie’s request, an expedition to Adventure Peak. After Andrew got home, we all headed over to the Highland Grill for dinner. Finally, a cake perfectly sized for a two-year-old.
Sleepy two-year-old.
I try! I try!
I like it!
Great new books from Caroline — best read together in a box, of course.
Special pancake breakfast with Caroline and Griffin
It’s been a rather extended celebration this year. We began on Griffin’s actual birthday, April 8, with cinnamon rolls for breakfast and family presents at dinner. Then he was honored at both of his preschools.
Maggie with pinkeye
Then Sarah baked a spectacular cake for his party on Saturday, but the kids both woke up with pink eye and we had to cancel the party! (Noooooo! But we ate the cake, which made it ok.) We rescheduled the party for the following weekend and this time everything worked out, including an even more magnificent cake. (Six layer rainbow cake with all natural ingredients? No problem.) And grandma and grandpa presented a new bike. Woohoo!
Click on the pics for larger versions.
A new, bigger bike!
It has a kickstand.
It has a hand brake.
It is awesome.
Sarah’s masterpiece.
I want it. Now.
Hug for the birthday boy.
Happy guest.
More happy guests!
Everyone is singing for me!
Big breath!
Five candles.
First slice.
Six all-natural layers of joy (no food coloring!)
Hard work
What has Griffin learned? Birthdays last for three weeks and include numerous celebrations, multiple cakes, magic bunnies that hide eggs, lots of chocolate, and special trips to the ice cream shop (those last tidbits were for Easter and my birthday, but the distinctions may not mean much to him). We’re setting ourselves up for success here. 🙂
A couple of weeks ago I got a letter from you. Inside the letter was Flat Raven! We took pictures of Flat Raven. It was so fun. We can’t wait to share them with you.
The first place we went with you was Hidden Falls Park on the east bank of the Mississippi River. It’s so fun because the roots of the trees are pulled up and we can climb in them and slide down them sometimes. We even hide in them while playing hide-and-seek. Did you know that the Mississippi River starts in Minnesota? It starts at a place called Lake Itasca, but it goes by not far from our house. We ride our bikes to the river sometimes.
Flat Raven climbs on driftwood on the east bank of the Mississippi River.
Flat Raven found a comfortable cave to hang out in.
So many cool nooks in the wood by the river!
Mississippi River Map
Source of the Mississippi river at Lake Itasca, MN.
Next we went to play with Richard, a friend of mine. We played at his preschool which is very close to my preschool, the Dodge Nature Center. Both schools have animals and lots of nature. We play outside a lot. We played a game called Grumpy Old Troll which is the same as Tag.
Climbing on a play structure.
What a cool swing!
After we got home, we decided to walk to a Thai restaurant for dinner. This Thai restaurant is on a street called Grand Avenue not far from our house, just like the Thai restaurant we used to eat at with you in Oakland on Grand Avenue! On our way to the restaurant we found a cool purple chair beside someone’s house. My favorite Thai food is Pad Si Yew. It has big brown wide noodles. It’s so yummy!
A very purple chair.
Thai food. Yum!
On Thursday night we had a really big snow storm. Some places got more than a foot of snow, but we only got about six inches. Whenever it snows, we like to sled to my preschool. We took you along for a ride in Maggie’s sled. We know that it doesn’t snow very much where you live, so we thought you would enjoy this fun part of winter.
We’ve been talking for a few weeks now with Griffin about moving to a big kid bed (partly in preparation for the baby in April). First we introduced the big kid comforter and pillow a couple of weeks ago, and yesterday Grandpa Jeff came up to build Griffin his first ever big kid loft bed. Griffin didn’t quite know what to expect other than that Grandpa Jeff was going to build him a new bed, and we think the results exceeded his expectations; when he was on the phone with Grandma Pam last night, he told her that “Grandpa built me my own new house, Grandma!” This morning after his shower, he excitedly went back into his room, “to look at my special new bed” and exclaimed, “Oh, it’s GREAT!”