Liz and Kevin Visit

Our friends Liz and Kevin visited us from St. Louis this past weekend. We actually know them from Oakland, but they’ve been living in St. Louis for a few years now and we’re all excited to be living in the same time zone! They came to see us, but also to run the beautiful Nerstrand Big Woods Half Marathon located about an hour south of the Twin Cities. The weather could not have been more beautiful, and we were thankful to them for giving us the excuse to discover a new part of the state. When they weren’t running 13.1 miles, we hung out, laughed, walked around St. Paul, and ate great food. Kevin brought his amazing camera and Griffin ended up the star of the show. From the pictures, you’d think all we did was sit around and admire the one-and-a-half year old! While there was definitely plenty of that, we really just had a wonderful weekend of being with great friends. Thanks again to Kevin for the fantabulous pictures (and you can click on the image to take you to the whole album)!

Griffin and Sarah wait while Liz and Kevin finish their run.
Griffin plays with his croc-enspiel.
Liz and Andrew walking through St. Paul on a beautiful day.