Knock, knock!

Griffin and Maggie both love jokes and riddles. Griffin, Maggie, and Grandpa Jeff often exchange video riddles with each other—this is worth its own post sometime—and we have a children’s joke book that we often read before or after dinner, resulting in lots of silliness.

Maggie has recently begun telling her own jokes, which appear to be a combination of the knock-knock joke and riddle jokes, like “Why’d the chicken cross the road?” The humor is often opaque (or translucent) to an adult ear, but I love it that she is playing with the genre.

Here are two recent examples:

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Dog who?
Why did the dog go on a walk?
I don’t know. Why?
He sneaked out the door to get his other bone!

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Door who?
Why did the door open the door?
I don’t know. Why?
To get to the other door!

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