All posts by Andrew

Monday Accomplishments

Today was a very productive day.  A selection of our activities:

  • Reorganized all the bookshelves so that they are both orderly and attractive.  (Sarah has taught me many things… you don’t have to just put books on bookshelves… you can stack some books horizontally to break things up visually… you can intersperse photos and art objects… it’s rad.)
  • Packed ten boxes and stacked them in the shed along with two empty bookcases
  • Rearranged the bedroom now that it lacks a bookcase to make it look more open
  • Contacted the principal of a charter school in Minneapolis and scheduled a meeting with him on Friday.  (He definitely doesn’t have a job for me, but gotta start building the network somewhere.)
  • Walked down to lakeshore and bought an iPhone!  It’s a very welcome birthday present from my parents (thanks Mom and Dad!)  We’ve resisted the “smart phone” phenomenon for years now, not wanting to pay the added monthly expense.  But with the chaos of the move coming up, the ability to have internet access in the car while driving around the Twin Cities seemed well worth the expense.  Of course I don’t have time to play with my new toy, but I’m sure it will be extremely useful in MN this week.
  • Cleaned up the kitchen to make it look like the counters are not usually completely covered with clutter.
  • And, of course, we changed diapers and did all the usual parenting stuff… but I must admit that Griffin has been very generous at allowing us to pack and accomplish things while he toddles around the mess.
  • Now we’re about to head into Berkeley for a date: Patty Griffin at Zellerbach Hall!  Sarah put this on the calendar months ago, but she called it “Special Date Night” and wouldn’t tell me anything more.  I just found out what it is.  What a great way to end a day!
Two reorganized shelves
Some of our reorganized shelves

Moving Madness

We haven’t been posting on here as much recently for two reasons.  First, Sarah has been working full time, so she doesn’t have nap-times to post.  Second, we are up to our ears in preparations for our summer move to Minnesota.  When we actually think about the entire list of things that have to happen we tend to freak out.  One step at a time has become our mantra… stop, breathe, just one step.  🙂

Some things we’ve been up to recently:

  • Got the house repainted last fall.  Glad we thought to do that early.
  • Painters are coming tomorrow to touch up some things and do some odd projects we hadn’t predicted in the fall.
  • Gardening team is trying to make it look like we’ve been spending our weekends weeding for the past five years.  (Good luck…)
  • Packing… while we’re not quite up to Dave and Nancy’s level (they have packed two gigantic crates!), we are very proud of the growing stacks of boxes in the shed filled with clothes and books and kitchen supplies that we won’t be using again until we’re in the Twin Cities.
  • Found a new tax accountant because we found out that our previous guy, who I’ve been using for six years, is in jail for mail fraud.  Yep.  He was in the news.
  • I have completed my résumé with lots of valuable help from Jeff (who used to be a career counselor).  Also two different cover letter templates that should be flexible enough to work for many potential job openings.  And this weekend I typed up electronic applications for both Minneapolis and Saint Paul school districts.  (Not that they have any job openings at the moment, but everything is uploaded and ready for review in case anything opens up.)
  • I’ve contacted a principal in Saint Paul who I will meet with on Thursday to discuss possible openings at his school and other schools.
  • Did I mention that we’re going to Minnesota on Wednesday through Sunday?  (It’s our spring break… and we get to spend Griffin’s birthday with Grandma Pam and Grandpa Jeff and Aunt Alli!)
  • We are in touch with a real estate agent in Saint Paul who we’re meeting on Thursday and Friday.  She’s compiling lists of houses and neighborhoods that we might be interested in.
  • We’ve changed all the doorknobs and hinges in our apartment so that it doesn’t look so 90s (at the advice of our local real estate agent.)
  • Been mowing the lawn every week at the command of the aforementioned gardening team.  (Usually I try to get to it a few times a year.)
  • We’ve been enjoying Griffin’s increasing abilities to walk across vast amounts of space.  And the parallel ability to hurt himself more rapidly than ever.  (He’s got a cool pirate-like scrape from his forehead to his upper lip thanks to an aggressive cardboard box.)
  • Investigating what to do about our leaking water heater.
  • Oh, lest I forget, I have a master’s thesis to write.  Met with my advisor Tuesday morning.  Took Wednesday off and was very productive.  Aiming for a rough draft in my advisor’s hands by April 28.

So, in short, we’re moving to Minnesota.  Somehow between now and then we will sell this house, buy a new house, finish my thesis, get a job, finish packing, hire movers, and drive across country to the great state of Minnesota.

One.  Step.  At.  A.  Time.

Spring Morning

I’ve been meaning to post this series for a while… Griffin made the most of our first full-on warm, sunny weekend back in February.

My parents let me play with glass bowls!
It's wet and shiny!
Dirty water... YUM!
And it makes a cool helmet.
Spring is awesome!

Visiting Gustavus


Dear Griffin,
Bert and I went to college this week, and we had an admission interview for next year.  Rich Aune evaluated our transcript.  We were hoping to get transfer credit for our work on Sesame Street.

Did you know that your aunt Alli is a graduate of Gustavus?  She walked up these stairs many times on her way to the “caf”, and down these stairs to the Diversity Center and mailboxes and Courtyard Cafe.  Your Mom and Dad were married in the “Arb” on the south end of campus, and they had their reception and dance right behind us.  We snuck into the banquet room and pretended we were at that dance – Tee Hee!  And your grandpa Jeff works at Gustavus.  Grandma Pam also worked at Gustavus for a short time as well. Your mom was 10 years old when they moved to St. Peter.

We love to see you on iChat but we are really excited to see you in person!


100 Games Cupcake Game

I rarely post links to other websites, but I just came across this masterpiece and have to share.  It’s 100 cupcakes, each dedicated to a different game (we’re talking everything from zork to spin the bottle!)   Even better, the captions are hidden so you can see how many you can guess.  Click on the picture (one of my favorites) for more:


Visiting the Judge


Dear Griffin,
Happy New Year!  Imagine, that in a few short months you will be one year old!
We wanted you to know that we visited with a judge yesterday.  He told Ernie that he shouldn’t be feeding pigeons in the park, something he learned from his friend Big Bird.  Or at least, he shouldn’t be feeding them pepperoni pizza!

The judge admonished us.  (That’s quite a compliment, don’t you think?)  Maybe I should look that word up in the dictionary.

Humpback Whales

Some amazing footage from Anthony and Gena’s antarctic adventure, including a calving glacier and humpback whales up real close.  This was shot on December 23 in Neko Harbour (where the wedding ceremony took place) by Jim Napoli, the official “Video Chronicler” for the expedition. (Note that Anthony and Gena are on their way home this morning so I should soon have links to more personal photos and videos of their trip.)