All posts by Andrew

Rolling Both Ways

Over the past few weeks Griffin has been getting better and better at front-to-back rolls. He sometimes goes the other way, but never quite makes it. There’s always an arm or an elbow preventing him from completely rolling onto his front. Tonight, inspired by a visit from his friend Rosie, he managed an effortless roll onto his tummy! (Rosie is two months older and is an Olympic class roller.) Pretty soon Griffin will be rolling clear across the room.

Teething Pain

Griffin’s third tooth broke through on Wednesday, and it has been a tough couple of days for him. (Oddly enough, it was his right lower lateral incisor, which doesn’t “typically” arrive for another eight months.) This evening the pain was obviously excruciating, leading to his worst meltdown in a very long time. I took this picture a few minutes before he really lost it.

Why does my mouth hurt so much??
Why does my mouth hurt so much??

On a Roll…

As you know if you’ve been paying attention, Griffin’s first roll was on July 27. Since then he hasn’t repeated the trick… until today. During a long period of “tummy time”, Griffin repeatedly rolled from front to back. (Never the reverse, yet.) It’s certainly not easy, but he’s got the basic motions down. Sarah managed to catch one of them on film (or digital tape anyway):

Four Month Checkup

We had a successful visit to the doctor today. Griffin was not exactly thrilled about his shots, but he got over them pretty quickly. Here are his current stats with percentiles:

  • Weight: 14 lb 2 oz (33%)
  • Height: 25 in (53%)
  • Head Circumference: 16.5 in (40%)

But more important than the numbers: Griffin is healthy and happy. Yay.

First Camping Trip!

This weekend we joined some friends in the Sierras for a wonderful car-camping trip. We hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, swam in the reservoir, and introduced Griffin to the joys of sleeping in a tent. He was a natural—falling asleep by the fire and then sleeping soundly through the night despite the cold. Click on either image below to see the full photo album.

