Category Archives: Griffin

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,

Daddy’s new laptop is pretty cool.  Please don’t tell him that I snuck out of my crib last night to borrow it.  I only chewed on it a little bit, and I had to write you this message.

Happy birthday!  I can’t really comprehend how old you are, but you’re probably at least 18 or 19 months.

You’ve been a pretty good mom during these first nine months.  (I’m practicing my midwestern understatement… Dad would say you’ve been “dreamy” or “incredible” or “frickin awesome.”)  Plus, I’m told you were taking good care of me for the previous nine months too.  (I like my new, roomier crib better.)

In any event, before Dad catches me drooling on his precious keyboard, I wanted to mention a few specifics.  Thank you for forgiving me when I smashed your beloved french press.  (You have to admit it sounded pretty great when it exploded!)  Thank you for taking me swimming every week at the Y.  And storytime at the library… that’s the best!  Thank you for taking me canoeing, camping, and hiking in my first four months.  The other kids never believe me when I tell them that I’ve already hiked part of the Pacific Crest Trail (but I got pictures to prove it).  Thank you for accepting my bizarre culinary tastes (pickles and oatmeal, yum!) and not getting too upset when I throw all the food on the floor.  (Daddy told me that in high school he used to fling pudding onto the ceiling of the dining room… so I’m just honoring my heritage.)  Thank you for having the most humongous library of kids’ books in the universe.  I’ve tasted most of them and they are delicious.  Thank you for comforting me when I’m hurt but reminding me that I can handle most bumps and bruises.

Thank you for reminding me to save my big moments for when Daddy’s around.  I gotta remember to save my first steps for him.  (Maybe we can fake it if I forget?)  Speaking of Daddy, you can let him know that I think it’s pretty nifty that you both laugh so much and have so much fun.  I am, occasionally, embarrassed by your juvenile senses of humor, but I cut you some slack because you’re both so old.

All in all, you’re a pretty cool mom.



Letter from Bert and Ernie!

What a surprise! This morning Griffin received an email from Bert and Ernie! They’re staying with Jeff and Pam in Minnesota and have decided, apparently, to keep Griffin up-to-date on their lives. Here’s the message as it originally appeared:


We hope that you are having a great morning! Will you have some yogurt and cheese and squash for breakfast?

I think that we will have some cereal. We will help Jeff and Pam clear the driveway tonight. We are expecting lots of snow. We wish that you could come sledding with us. Bert got a new stocking cap, and he was happy to show it to you!

Bert and Ernie

Thanksgiving 2009

Our big Thanksgiving gathering took place in Santa Cruz again this year. The consensus is that Santa Cruz is the best of the various destinations that we’ve been to. It’s close. It’s beautiful. Rental houses are plentiful and relatively affordable. And there is no shortage of fun. (Plus, nutritionists always recommend riding roller coasters after a 10,000 calorie meal.) Thanks to Nancy for the massive job of organizing the event! Some favorite pictures are below. Click on them to see larger versions or click here to see the full album. (You may notice a slight parental bias in picture subjects…)

Groovy Griffin

Anthony and Gena on the Hurricane

Maddie feeds Griffin

Fiancée and Fiancé

He Crawls! He Stands!

We’ve been neglectful blogging parents lately, but Griffin’s been making so many leaps developmentally, we can hardly keep up. Over Thanksgiving break in Santa Cruz, despite the slippery tile floors of the rental house, Griffin learned to crawl. Andrew was witness to the first official crawl (and burned his Thanksgiving cheesecakes in the midst of the excitement), as well as the first official pull-up-to-standing. It’s so amazing that Andrew has been around for these developmental milestones in spite of the fact that he’s working full time!

We had only one week between Griffin’s crawling victory and pulling up to standing, so we’re frantically baby-proofing much higher than we thought we’d initially have to. Actually, I think baby-proofing is a misnomer. It should be baby-not-going-to-get-hurt-too-badly-if-he-comes-into-contact-with-this…-ing. Thankfully he’s not very fast yet, but it’s only a matter of time.