Category Archives: Griffin

Griffin Walks!

Griffin has been experimenting a lot with walking lately: letting go of the coffee table, taking one step and then falling to his knees in a crawl, cruising all around a chair, or holding on to a finger to barrel across the room. But TODAY he full-on walked for the first time!

I had just gotten home from work, my arms full of baby and bags. I put Griffin down on his feet next to an ottoman and threw my bags to the floor. Just as I was about to drop to the floor and join him, he turned around and walked seven or eight steps to a pile of boxes that have been waiting to be put in the storage shed. He did it all by himself!

I tried to get him to repeat his wondrous new abilities once Andrew got home from school, but the G-man still prefers crawling. It will only be a matter of time before he’s confident enough to try it again!

Spring Morning

I’ve been meaning to post this series for a while… Griffin made the most of our first full-on warm, sunny weekend back in February.

My parents let me play with glass bowls!
It's wet and shiny!
Dirty water... YUM!
And it makes a cool helmet.
Spring is awesome!


I reached a milestone today as a parent: I was accused by another parent of neglecting in my duties as a mom to care for my child.  The accusing mom did not actually say, “You’re a bad mom,” but she may as well have just come out and said it that way.

I returned to work three weeks ago as a full-time teacher, covering my friend Bess’ kindergarten class while she’s out on maternity leave.  It has been a hard adjustment for everyone in the family, and it’s been further complicated by the fact that Griffin has been fighting illness since he started going to day care.  I was expecting him to get sick, and he predictably did almost immediately.  What I wasn’t expecting is for it to go on and on the way it has.  He’s had a cold in one form or another for nearly three weeks, had stomach flu complete with projectile vomiting and diarrhea up the back and down the legs, and now is on to wheezing like an asthmatic.  Andrew and I have both stayed home from work with him for a couple of days when he was really sick, and we have been to the doctor three times in the past three weeks.  I was beginning to feel like a worry-wart mom, but on the last visit this past Wednesday, his pediatrician assured me that it’s just par for the course and that he’ll get better eventually.  We’re currently treating his wheezing with two inhaled medicines, and he’s pretty much back to his old self, laughing, playing, eating, and sleeping normally.

This morning when I went to drop Griffin off at day care, another mom (who made it clear she’s a nurse) handed me a printout on RSV (the illness his pediatrician has already told me is the likely culprit of his symptoms) and said she was “very upset” that Griffin had been at day care yesterday.  She went on to tell me that RSV is a “highly contagious” disease and it’s “completely inappropriate” for him to be at day care.  I told her that his doctor had said nothing about Griffin not attending day care, at which point she said, “Sometimes you have to ask specific questions.”  She went on to say that “many children who get it are on respirators in the hospital” and she didn’t want her child to get it, so if Griffin was going to be at day care, she was going to take a sick day and pull her daughter out, although “it may be too late.”

I think it was about this point that I started to cry.  I babbled something about “being new at this mom thing” and how “of course I would never bring Griffin to day care if I thought he was going to get other kids seriously ill” and she talked back at me about “it’s highly contagious and we’ll probably ALL get it now.”  By this time, I was late to work and was supposed to be with my students in 15 minutes.  I called our extremely compassionate secretary who assured me she’d handle it.  I gathered my things and left with Griffin on my hip and tears streaming down my face.

I’m home now and am calmer.  Griffin and I enjoyed playing together this morning, and now he’s down for a nice long nap.  His doctor emailed me back right away saying there’s absolutely no reason Griffin can’t go to day care, that he stopped being contagious 24 hours after his fever broke, and that basically he’s fine.  I am happy I am vindicated, and happy to be home enjoying some unexpected hours with my little guy.

I’ve thought a lot about what I’m going to say when I run into this mom again.  She was wrong, plain and simple, on so many levels including medically.  I could point all these things out to her and tell her just how wrong she was, but I think I’ll just say this to her: If I’ve learned anything about parenting so far, it’s that we all do the best that we can for our kids.  Instead of keeping this in mind, you made me feel ignorant, incompetent, and stupid when you could have addressed your worries by showing compassion, understanding, and asking questions instead of accusing.  I hope you keep this in mind the next time you are doing the best you can for your daughter.

10 Month Stats

Griffin will be 10 months old on Monday! Whew. We went to his pediatrician on Friday and have his latest stats. All in all, Dr. Junge is happy with his growth and progress and thinks Griffin is an all-around swell guy.  Also of note is Griffin’s latest tooth count, which stands at an impressive 13.

Weight: 20lbs (31%)
Height: 2′ 3.5″ (13%)
Head Circumference: 18.27″ (72%)

By the way, Bert and Ernie: No fears. Griffin and his mommy and daddy have been vaccinated for H1N1.

Visiting Gustavus


Dear Griffin,
Bert and I went to college this week, and we had an admission interview for next year.  Rich Aune evaluated our transcript.  We were hoping to get transfer credit for our work on Sesame Street.

Did you know that your aunt Alli is a graduate of Gustavus?  She walked up these stairs many times on her way to the “caf”, and down these stairs to the Diversity Center and mailboxes and Courtyard Cafe.  Your Mom and Dad were married in the “Arb” on the south end of campus, and they had their reception and dance right behind us.  We snuck into the banquet room and pretended we were at that dance – Tee Hee!  And your grandpa Jeff works at Gustavus.  Grandma Pam also worked at Gustavus for a short time as well. Your mom was 10 years old when they moved to St. Peter.

We love to see you on iChat but we are really excited to see you in person!


Visiting the Judge


Dear Griffin,
Happy New Year!  Imagine, that in a few short months you will be one year old!
We wanted you to know that we visited with a judge yesterday.  He told Ernie that he shouldn’t be feeding pigeons in the park, something he learned from his friend Big Bird.  Or at least, he shouldn’t be feeding them pepperoni pizza!

The judge admonished us.  (That’s quite a compliment, don’t you think?)  Maybe I should look that word up in the dictionary.

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,

Daddy’s new laptop is pretty cool.  Please don’t tell him that I snuck out of my crib last night to borrow it.  I only chewed on it a little bit, and I had to write you this message.

Happy birthday!  I can’t really comprehend how old you are, but you’re probably at least 18 or 19 months.

You’ve been a pretty good mom during these first nine months.  (I’m practicing my midwestern understatement… Dad would say you’ve been “dreamy” or “incredible” or “frickin awesome.”)  Plus, I’m told you were taking good care of me for the previous nine months too.  (I like my new, roomier crib better.)

In any event, before Dad catches me drooling on his precious keyboard, I wanted to mention a few specifics.  Thank you for forgiving me when I smashed your beloved french press.  (You have to admit it sounded pretty great when it exploded!)  Thank you for taking me swimming every week at the Y.  And storytime at the library… that’s the best!  Thank you for taking me canoeing, camping, and hiking in my first four months.  The other kids never believe me when I tell them that I’ve already hiked part of the Pacific Crest Trail (but I got pictures to prove it).  Thank you for accepting my bizarre culinary tastes (pickles and oatmeal, yum!) and not getting too upset when I throw all the food on the floor.  (Daddy told me that in high school he used to fling pudding onto the ceiling of the dining room… so I’m just honoring my heritage.)  Thank you for having the most humongous library of kids’ books in the universe.  I’ve tasted most of them and they are delicious.  Thank you for comforting me when I’m hurt but reminding me that I can handle most bumps and bruises.

Thank you for reminding me to save my big moments for when Daddy’s around.  I gotta remember to save my first steps for him.  (Maybe we can fake it if I forget?)  Speaking of Daddy, you can let him know that I think it’s pretty nifty that you both laugh so much and have so much fun.  I am, occasionally, embarrassed by your juvenile senses of humor, but I cut you some slack because you’re both so old.

All in all, you’re a pretty cool mom.

